A Growing Community

A Growing Community

A Simple Bath Toy...

It all started with a little yellow duck—a simple plastic bath toy—mesmerizing, captivating and hypnotizing! Watching these little, floaty fowls, surfing through the cars, boats, and bubbles, not knowing the danger of the tiny, human kraken that are waiting above and below the surface!!! Then the true excitement when we find this teeny tiny little bath toy MAKES A SQUEAKY-SQUEAKY!! Ohhhh, the absolute joy!!! We could squeaky squeak for hours on end—that is, until duckie "accidentally" goes missing until next bath time!! That little yellow duck always made us smile, made us laugh, and made us happy.

Alas, we have all grown up (for the most part), and our bath toys have become dog toys, and our lives have moved on! Or do they? I think sometimes, if we sit quietly, our minds and our hearts will wander back to a simpler, carefree time—to our simple yellow rubber duck. Now, our iconic, once-little rubber duckie is all grown up! It has evolved into a shift-shaper! It can look like and be almost any iconic figure we can imagine! Not only can they shift shape, but our beloved rubber duck can now be accessorized! They have hats, beanies, glasses, sunglasses, scarves, crowns, floaties, umbrellas—you name it!! You can feather them, glitter them, and bedazzle them! They have become the new "Barbie" of the duck world! (Que the "I'm a Barbie girl..." music!!)

Our little rubber duckies have made a comeback in a huge way!! It's no longer a bath toy, but a symbol of happier times! It represents the mantra live, laugh, love. Our rubber ducks are making splashes in huge ways!! Two, notably represented, through Duck-Duck Jeep and Cruising Ducks...


Never heard of them?! What is so big about this little rubber duck, you ask?!

A young 10-year-old, Abby Davis, wanted to just "make people happy and bring smiles to all" when she went on a family cruise in 2018. This was popular on cruise ships well before 2018, but this Carnival Cruise would set the precedence for this now-loved game of Cruising Ducks on almost all cruise lines. Folk will bring a gaggle of rubber ducks and a cute little tag for each, with the name of the cruise ship, family and date.

These ducks are hidden all around the cruise ship. If you are one of the lucky ones to find one of these little gems, you can keep it or pay it forward by re-hiding the duck for another lucky family to find! They even have a Cruising Ducks Facebook and Instagram page, so you can post a photo of you, your family, or your group with your duck. There are a few rules that cruise ships require for this game. (I.e., no advertising companies or businesses; ducks can only be placed in certain locations.) So make sure you check with your cruise line for their guidelines. Mostly, just have fun! It's a scavenger hunt and hide-and-seek all in one!! Who doesn't love that?!


Allison Parliament started a duck movement—a revolution, if you will—in 2020. After going through a very traumatic event, compounded by the COVID pandemic, she was just needing some solace while visiting family and friends in Canada. It was truly a challenging time in her life. The restrictions in Canada were not as strict; therefore, she was not confined to her home. She ventured out one day and decided to stop at a local store, where she saw a bag of rubber ducks. Again, who doesn't love a rubber duck!? So, she put them in her basket, purchased them, and as she was walking back to her vehicle, she noticed a Jeep. Well, she went and got a piece of paper and, without much thought, wrote, "Nice Jeep! Have a great day!" and placed the little rubber duckie on the Jeep! She waited for the driver to return to catch his reaction. She snapped a quick picture and posted it to her social media, and Duck Duck Jeep was born!

Jeep Ducking: Fun for the Family

Duck Duck Jeep was created to help bring positivity and unity to its Jeep community! Bringing smiles one quack at a time—that is what Duck Duck Jeep is all about! Jeep ducking is very simple: you grab your favorite on-the-go Quacker Packs (pack O’ Quackers), you find a jeep that has ducks on the dash, and you place a single duck on the door handle, the hood, or any place where the driver can easily find it! Most of the time, this is going to brighten the recipient's day. Now, they have the option to keep their new little friend, or they can pass it on to another fellow Jeeper and keep the smiles going!

A Growing Community

If you have ever driven by a Jeep and seen a flock of ducks on the dash, they have been "ducked" by fellow Jeepers. There are always arguments as to which Jeeps should receive these special little squeaky toys. I, personally, see no reason why, if you see a vehicle you like or you just want to make someone's day, duck, duck, duck them! (I keep ducks in my car too!!) Post your find on Facebook or Instagram. There are really only two rules to this game... (1) If you do not see a duck on the dash, DO NOT DUCK. Unfortunately, there are some grinches out there who just don't like our little squeaky friend. (2) If you see a duck on the dash, spread the joy!! (Place duck on driver's side where it can be easily found.) You never know what someone might be going through. Our little squeaky friend will almost always bring a smile to their face! If you are a first-time "duck-ee," place a single duck on your dash and watch your flock grow!

We want to thank you for coming along on this adventure with us! We look forward to serving the Jeep and Cruising Duck communities! Our hope is that with every duck, you bring a smile to somebody's face. Thank you so much for your support

Ducklings, Share Your Quack-tastic Ideas!

Have a rubber duck adventure in mind? Want to discuss custom-themed packages or dazzle your ducks? Share your quack-tastic ideas with us! We're all ears and ready to make your rubber duck dreams come true. Let's spread smiles, one quack at a time!